Một cặp vợ chồng người Úc, zẫn
thằng cháu di giãi khát.. vừa goại cho nó một ly "chocolate
milkshake" (sữa dược khuấy trộn với chocolate) ..thằng nhõ
vừa lơ là trong vài zây.. thế là một bầy keo dộ 30 kon kéo dến
tranh nhau .. thưỡng thức ..
Sau 10 phút .. thế là xong ngay.
Flock of parrots
waste no time finishing an unattended chocolate milkshake
PUBLISHED: 18:10 GMT, 2 December 2012 | UPDATED: 07:54 GMT, 3 December 2012
Sharing was not
part of the agenda for this colourful parrot as it claimed ownership of a
tasty milkshake.
The lorikeet and
its company descended on a café in Queensland, Australia where the
chocolate drink had been left unattended for a few seconds too long.
Although the parrot
tried its best to fight off fellow milkshake fans, it was forced to relent
when a whole flock of birds joined in for a sip.
My milkshake! Only the bravest of parrots would dare come
between this lorikeet and its drink as the colourful company fought over
the chocolate treat
The shake thieves were caught in the act by British
holidaymaker Keith Doxsey who had bought the drink for his nephew.
The colourful group of rainbow lorikeets seized the
opportunity after the shake was left on its own for just a minute and a
handful of parrots soon turned into a company of 30.
Less than ten
minutes later, the lorikeets had finished off the milkshake.
Keith Doxsey was
visiting The Polish Cafe in Queensland, Australia with his wife Katrina
when the parrots attacked his nephew's treat.
He said: ‘The
birds just appeared out of nowhere not more than 60 seconds after my nephew
had put the drink down.'
Sweet treat: The company of
parrots descended on a cafe table where a chocolate milkshake had been left
Sharing is caring: The lorikeets tuck in to the milkshake at
a cafe in Queensland, Australia
Shake-ing in my boots: Rivalry became fierce over the
milkshake with one of the parrots prepared to fight to scare the others off
‘It was astonishing, they completely annihilated it and all
the lorikeets were pushing and shoving each other and getting very feisty.
‘We should have realised that it would happen as a few
minutes before they pinched some sugar tubes we had and flew off with them.
‘The cafe said they are used to this happening and you can
tell the birds are quite tame and unafraid of humans.
‘I thought they might have some difficulty getting to the
bottom of the glass but they just stuck their heads down it as far as they
Joining in: Soon word spread about the chocolate milkshake
and everyone wanted a sip
Family meal: The lorikeet was left with no choice but to
share the chocolate drink with the rest of the company when they joined in
The 52-year-old from Manchester added: ‘It almost seemed like
the word spread amongst the birds about the milkshake - more and more just
kept coming.
‘Though, despite their cheeky behaviour they were really
special birds to see and photograph.
‘I'm in no way a twitcher but I have an interest in birds, my
father bred budgerigars and I have one as a pet.
‘But, I've certainly never seen anything like this before, it
was truly amazing.’
Get in: Two parrots dive in to get the last drops at the
bottom of the glass
Chocolate shake shared: The parrots looking pleased after
they have polished off the drink
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